Friday, November 6, 2015


Thirty – Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
1 Kgs 17: 10 – 16 / Ps 146 / Heb 9: 24 – 28 / Mk 12: 38 – 44 or 41 – 44

John Legend in his famous song, All of Me, has this to say: “I’ll give my all to you, you’re my end and my beginning even when I lose I’m winning cause I give you all of me.” However, these words of John Legend seem no longer true today. Why should I give my all to you at baka iiwanan mo lang ako? Why should I give my all to you at baka sasaktan mo lang ako? Why should I give my all to you at baka niloloko mo lang ako? I’d rather give my all for my SSS – Savings, Security, and Safety!

My dear friends, we are now on the 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time. In both first and Gospel readings today, we meet widows who teach us a very important aspect of Christian living – that is generosity. In our first reading, we meet the poor widow of Zarephath who despite of her poverty, gave all that she had in order to bake bread for the prophet Elijah. In our Gospel, we meet the poor widow who went up to the treasury and gave her “two small coins worth a few cents.” In our readings today, we encounter two widows who gave their all thus losing their savings for the future and their security and safety for the present. Yet, their generosity did not go unrewarded. The widow at Zarephath had an unlimited supply of flour and oil while the widow at the treasury was praised by Our Lord Jesus.

From our own human point of view, what the widows did in our readings were disastrous. They sacrificed their savings, security, and safety. Where will they get their provisions, their money? How can they be secured and be safe now that they have given their all? Pope Benedict XVI comments on the generosity of these widows when he said, “their generosity is a consequence of faith; an inner attitude of those who base their lives on God and trust wholly in Him.” The widows were generous all because of faith and confidence in the generosity of the Father in heaven.

My dear friends, this is our lesson for today as we celebrate the 32nd Sunday in Ordinary – that we give our all without fear of losing our savings, security, and safety all because of our faith and trust in the providence of God.

Today, November 8, we mark the 2nd anniversary of super typhoon Yolanda. Yes, it has claimed the lives of thousand innocent people. Yet, Yolanda has also awakened the hearts of people to be more generous, to give their all!

“During a relief effort a poor widow donated a powdered milk that was already open, saying “That’s the only help I can give to the people in Leyte. I really have nothing right now, but this can be still given to the children there. They will like it because it’s Bearbrand.”

“Volunteers in a drop-off station reported that Benjie came near to the station and handed to him 1 Peso (about $0.077). Apparently, he was giving his “donation” taken from the proceeds of his begging. That caught everyone by surprise. But the story doesn’t end there. Several minutes later, Benjie came back to the station and again gave another Peso coin (apparently this was after he was given 1 Pesos by begging). Maybe he realized that his first donation was not enough that’s why he came back and gave another peso.”

The widow at Zarephath, the widow at the treasury, the widow who gave her opened powdered milk, and Benjie who donated 2 pesos – they were able to give their all because in the very first place, they have been attracted to Jesus who has given his all for the salvation of all. How about us? How about you? Are we willing to give our all?

And so we pray the prayer taught to us by St. Ignatius:
“Lord Jesus, teach me to be generous;
teach me to serve you as you deserve,
to give and not to count the cost,
to fight and not to heed the wounds,
to toil and not to seek for rest,
to labor and not to seek reward,
except that of knowing that I do your will.”


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