Wednesday, August 6, 2014


Kings 19:9,11-13a, Ps.85,Romans 9:1-5, Matthew 14:22-23

What do we usually do when we are in a very difficult situation? What would you do if after your medical check-up, you are diagnosed with Stage 4 Cancer? What would you do if after this Mass, you meet your husband or wife standing right at your door with all his/her bags packed, and ready to go? What if, as you go on a date with your beloved this afternoon, he tells you that he is ending the relationship because he wants to become a priest? Of course, we have a lot of different reactions to these realities. Today, our Gospel gives us some practical suggestions on what to do.

The disciples, after feeding the five thousand went ahead of Jesus to the other side of the lake. While traveling by boat, a very difficult situation dawned upon them—they were caught in the middle of tossing waves. During the fourth watch of the night, Jesus came toward them walking on the water. The disciples saw Him. “It is a ghost!” they cried, terrified.

When confronted by a difficult situation, Practical Suggestion #1 is this, RECOGNIZE THE LORD.

Jesus’ disciples knew it was Him walking towards them, but they were frightened and they thought He was a ghost. Sometimes, we allow fear to control us. That same fear hinders us from recognizing the Lord. Other times, our vision of the Lord is obstructed by Pride, believing that we are the ones solely in control of everything. For us to recognize the Lord, we must overcome both Fear and Pride. In doing so, we gain clarity of sight and acceptance of His presence in our lives.

Further into our Gospel, it was Peter who got the courage to speak first with these words, “Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on water!”  In this scenario, Peter thinks before acting. He asks for a command before walking on water. This is Practical Suggestion #2, THINK BEFORE YOU ACT.

We call this Discernment. When we discern, do not hurry. We must first contemplate on what our choices are, and which among these would be the best decision to make. Most importantly, discernment is achieved best when done in an atmosphere of prayer.

The Lord then replied to Peter, “Come!”  The boat here signifies the comfort zone of the disciples. It is where they felt safe. In our Gospel, however, Jesus was not inside the boat. He was on the water. Practical Suggestion #3 is to GET OUT OF OUR COMFORT ZONES.

In finding solutions to our problems, let us learn to take risks! Sometimes, Jesus brings us to experiences we do not enjoy, but He is in these experiences. We just have to take courage. Courage to speak for what is right, courage to ask for forgiveness, courage to forgive.

As Peter walked on the water, he began to sink because he was frightened by the strong winds and waves. Here is our Practical Suggestion #4: FOCUS ON JESUS.

In our difficult moments, we easily lose focus because we tend to be more preoccupied by the problem. We have to remember that for us to overcome our trials, we must fix our eyes on Jesus. Always.

Jesus then immediately stretched out his hand to save the sinking Peter and told him, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?” The first thing that Jesus did was to save Peter before admonishing him. When our relationships with others go through difficult times, what do we do first? Do we help the person before rebuking him/her? Or do we intervene the other way around? Do we even help them at all? As Jesus teaches us through today’s Gospel, let us try to follow what He did. In difficult situations, let us apply Practical Suggestion #5: HELP FIRST, REPRIMAND LATER.

Finally, as we look at the whole story, Jesus ultimately arrived on time, at the precise moment when the disciples where in a difficult situation. This is our Practical Suggestion #6 – TRUST IN GOD’S TIMING. As the saying goes, “God is never too early. Otherwise, we will lose our faith. God is never too late, otherwise we will lose our hope. God always arrives at the precise point when we need him.”

However, our Gospel’s Six Practical Suggestions will only work when practiced with Faith. It is the same Faith which made Elijah in the First Reading recognize God not in the fire, earthquake, or wind but in the tiny whispering sound. It is Faith which made St. Paul in our Second Reading speak about the truth in Christ. In everything we go through, we remember to pray, Lord increase our faith! Lord increase our faith!

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