Monday, December 21, 2015


Seventh Day of the Misa de Gallo
1 Sm. 1: 24 – 28 / 1 Sm 2 / Lk. 1: 46 – 56

How does it feel to be great in the world? Yesterday, the universe saw a great horrible mistake – a wrong announcement of the winner of the Miss Universe 2015. Thus, Ms. Columbia experienced a short lived greatness. Well, it was Ms. Philippines who ended up a great woman for it was actually her who won the competition. However, if we move forward the event, time will also come when Ms. Philippines’ greatness will come to an end the moment she hands over her crown to the next winner. Indeed, worldly greatness is passing and temporary. Paasa! Ika nga…

Our Gospel today is Mary’s hymn of praise, the Magnificat. Mary praises the Lord for all the great things the Lord has done to her life. Pope Francis tells us that “in this prayer Mary expresses her joy, because she is fully aware of what all the great works in her life at that point mean, namely that through her the Lord will accomplish the salvation her people have long been waiting for.”

Thus we ask ourselves, what made Mary great? Again our Pope tells us that it was because of faith that led Mary to greatness. “Faith is the heart of Mary’s entire story; she knew – and she said it – that throughout history weighs the violence of the overbearing, the pride of the rich, and the arrogance of the proud. Yet she still believed and proclaimed ‘that God does not leave his children alone, humble and poor, but sustains them with merciful care, casting down the mighty from their thrones, scattering the proud in the conceit of their hearts.’"

This is our challenge today that if we want to be great then we must have the faith of Mary – that amidst the problems and difficulties in life, we are still convinced that God does not leave us orphans; that his love for us is greater than any human problem. However, this conviction must not remain an idea. It must lead to action. And this is what we can see in the life of Mary. This faith proclaimed at her Magnificat was very must alive and active when she stood at the foot of the cross remaining strong despite the darkness, dryness, and dullness of her surroundings.

My dear friends, as we ask for this faith of Mary, let us also learn to act out such faith in our lives. In our families, let us keep this faith burning by being witnesses of patience and perseverance despite the many trials among members. In our workplaces, let us keep this faith burning by practicing humility and honesty despite the strong temptation to steal and gain more. Sa mga nag uyab uyab dinha, practice this faith by observing chastity and purity in your relationship. 

Bishop Lampon of Jolo and Tawi Tawi was once asked, “ Bishop, you and your priests are in great danger here because of insurgents and fundamentalists. Are you not leaving this place?” And the humble Bishop replied, “ No, we will not leave this place. Rather we will continue to extend the hands of forgiveness to those people who hate us even if it will cause our very own lives.”

Bishop Lampon is like Mary. Both have faith! Both believed that despite pain and suffering, God is still there to lift up the lowly and save the outcast. Both simply put into practice the faith they have received from God. How about us? How about you? Is your faith like that of Mary?

Photo taken from

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